Tips For Using Video Chat Software for Enhanced Customer Service

What comes to mind when you think about a business conversation?  I picture sitting at my computer or surface, starting off my meeting with a wave and a smile.  It’s possible that this is the first “in person” meeting we are having, so starting off with a video chat is a great way to fast track a relationship. I hosted a recent video chat meeting with a new contact while…  Read more

com·mu·ni·cate  verb

I offered my top tip for accountants and their clients for an article which was published last week, then I googled communicate and this is what I found: com·mu·ni·cate verb 1. share or exchange information, news, or ideas. Similar:   liaise, be in touch, be in contact, be in communication Use it in a sentence  “We as effective tax advisers communicate with our clients so we can understand what their needs are…  Read more

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