Taking Some Personal Time Each Day Enables You to Focus on the “Tough Stuff”

Have you ever pondered over an issue and felt the stress building up only to find that the solution pops into your head while you are in the shower, on a long walk, or sitting in traffic? I was working with a couple on a retirement and relocation plan. During our discovery session, I could practically feel their stress over some very hard decisions they would need to make over…  Read more

The Promise of the 1040 Postcard: A Missed Opportunity

The form 1040 is the form most taxpayers use to file their annual tax returns.  In addition to supplying basic information about the taxpayer and his/her family, it acts as an overview or listing of various types of income, deductions, and exemptions.  It also acts as an index to other necessary schedules which support the items on each line. Of course we CPA’s, other tax professionals and the general public…  Read more

Prepaying Taxes Will Not Yield a 2017 Itemized Deduction

US Congress Conference Report which has not been voted on or passed yet, refers to the final version of the bill – does not allow a deduction for prepayment of 2018 state income taxes. https://rules.house.gov/conference-report/hr-1 In addition, prior revenue rulings 71-190 and 82-208 also preclude taking a 2017 deduction for payments made in 2017 to be applied to a tax liability in 2018 — notably, a year that has not…  Read more

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